Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Unable to download iOS apps after enrollment - Xenmobile

users were unable to download apps from worxstore after enrolling iOS devices. But they are able to download apps on Android devices.

Issue: APNS ports 2195 and 20196 were opened through proxy. As per Apple, these ports should open directly (without proxy) from Xenmobile Device manager server. Please see the article for reference:


It started working after opening APNS ports directly(without proxy) from Device manger.

Verifying ports:
 Login device manager server and open cmd prompt:

telnet gateway.push.apple.com 2195
telnet feedback.push.apple.com 2196

Have a nice Day!!!

Unable to Enroll Android and iOS devices to Xenmobile

Xenmobile -device enrollment was working fine but suddenly it stopped working. Getting the following error device logs

FTUAddAccountActivity:addAccount() called with serverType ACCESS_GATEWAY_EE_PASSWORD_ONLY_WITH_ACCOUNT_SERVICE
FTUAddAccountActivity:Received user name from intent
FTUAddAccountActivity:Received password from Intent
FTUAddAccountActivity:Proceeding to account creation without user intervention.
coreAuthenticateWithAuthn:Got NSC_VPNERROR_COOKIE : 4001
com.citrix.work.vpnutils.VpnDiagnosticHelper:addRoutingTableToSupportBundle: failed because VPN is not connected

Both Android and iOS devices were unable to enroll to Xenmobile MDM. My configuration contains MDM and App controller.

Issue: I couldn't find any wrong in PKI, LDAP configuration and MAM+APPController integration. I went different logs and found that APP controller issue.

MDM only enrollment - Successful
AppController from browser /reciever- Accessible
App Controller with WOrxHome enrollment - failing
MDM+Appcontroller Enrollment -failing

I found that proxy server was down which causing the enrollment failure after intensive debugging. So intermittent solution proxy server info has been removed all Mobility servers including App controllers and has been given direct access to internet for mobility servers. Now we are able to enroll devices after removing proxy info. Hoping my proxy will come back online soon and will be reverted configuration back to proxy.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Home drive and connectors giving error "Unexpected server response format (-104)"-Sharefile

The error "Unexpected server response format (-104)" was popping up when end users clicking the Network and Home drive connectors sharefile application on mobiles after successful authentication(SSO).


The sharefile application has been integrated with App controller using Xenmobile SSO. Storage Zone controllers are good and there are no errors on App controller too. I checked the Netscaler configuration of Sharefile and found that the AAA authentication was enabled on "-SF_CIF_SP_LB"(example). The AAA/LDAP authentication is not required on virtual CIFS share LB server when configured Xenmobile SSO.

Traffic Management ---> Virtual Servers ----> _SF_CIF_SP_LB

Edit above virtual server and select "None" under authentication:

the above parameter resolved the issue in my situation..

Have a nice day!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Worxweb - Accessing Intranet and Interent -failing with error: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_Resolved

I configured worxweb application Tunnel to the internet and Full VPN. I was able to access internet sites but intranet site was failing with "net::ERR_NAME_NOT_Resolved". . Same time it working for another region . I configured traffic policies to proxy on Netscaler.


I followed this article and figured out that my error relates to DNS suffixes


Configured DNS suffix for intranet domain on netscaler at

Traffic management ---> DNS --> DNS Suffix

After that Worxweb is working fine for both internet and Intranet.

Have a nice day!!!!!!!