Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Suppressing Server name pop ups for Receiver installs

There are so many ways:

1. You can supress the server name pop ups for new Receiver client installation by renaming CitrixReceiver.exe as CitrixReceiverWeb.exe. The name is case sensitive. If you install receiver client using "CitrixReceiverWeb.exe", then it doesn't show pop ups for server name.

2. Add "/ALLOWADDSTORE=N" switch while instaling through commandline

3. Changing Registry values post installation to suppress the Add Account window.

Under HKLM\Software\Citrix\Dazzle, set AllowAddStore value to N. Restart Citrix Receiver for Windows to apply the new Registry value.

4. Adding the follwoing reg keys under Hkey_Current_User

Have a nice day!

Free Monitoring tool for Citrix Environment/ Control UP

I have gone this free monitoring tool "Control UP" and it is very cool. You can do multiple tasks using this tool along with monitoring Citrix environment.

Check this out:


Its free for 50 sessions and one controller user.

Have a nice day!

Install receiver client in Command line

If you want push Receiver client in a batch file to end users with WI/Store Front configuration, please use this command:

For Receiver clients less than 3.2 the command for Web Interface configuration will be:

\\shared_location\CitrixReceiver.exe /silent /includeSSON /ALLOWADDSTORE=N INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Citrix" ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=Yes SERVER_LOCATION=""

ALLOWADDSTORE switch will aloow you enter http address. IF you are using https, then it doesn't require. Keep above command in abatch file and push it to end users with SCCM/some other tool.

For Receiver clients 3.3 or later the command for Web Interface configuration will be:

\\shared_location\CitrixReceiver.exe" /silent /includeSSON /ALLOWADDSTORE=N STORE0="AppStore;;on;Apps on XenApp"

For all client versions the command for storefront configuration will be:

CitrixReceiver.exe /silent  /includeSSON /ALLOWADDSTORE=N STORE0="AppStore;;on;Apps on XenApp"

Please refer article

Have a nice day!